Referendum - Montville Township Public Schools
The Information Below Was Posted Prior to the Nov. 29 Webinar-Styled Virtual Forum:
Virtual Presentation with Public Q&A
A webinar-styled forum on Wednesday, November 29, will explain the Board of Education’s plans to address the need for additional space, improved security and more efficient systems for heating, cooling and ventilation. It will include the opportunity for questions from the public.
The virtual forum will start at 7 p.m. and a Zoom link will be posted on this page shortly before the event. This webinar-styled forum will be recorded for future viewing.
Panelists will include key leaders from Montville Township Public Schools and outside professional consultants who helped develop the plans.
Dr. Thomas Gorman, Superintendent of Schools, will review what brought the district to this turning point, including the rise of elementary school enrollment and the right time to replace HVAC.
Katine Slunt, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, will explain the financial details of each ballot question. She will also recount how voter approval would unlock almost $9.5 million in state aid and how the Board of Education would draw nearly $6.6 million from the district’s Capital Reserve – both are ways to reduce the amount of local taxes needed to fund $70 million in improvements.
Dr. Casey Shorter, Assistant Superintendent, will serve as the event’s moderator to keep the discussion on schedule and to direct residents’ questions to the appropriate panelists.
David Melucci, Principal at William Mason Elementary School, will share the current strategies and challenges of meeting each student's needs despite enrollment exceeding building capacity.
C. William Ross, Senior Associate with Parette Somjen Architects, will talk through the proposed projects to explain what would be built/renovated, the benefits of modern HVAC equipment, how a two-stage security entrance works, and more.
Tony Solimine, finance lawyer at Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A., will discuss the advantages and protections that a voter-approved bond provides for taxpayers.

Questions through Email and Zoom
Montville Township Public Schools leaders are answering questions sent to, and that email address will be used throughout the forum. Similar questions may be combined and/or streamlined to ensure that the panelists can answer as many questions as possible during the event. Email submissions will allow a response even if a question requires research.
Zoom Webinar’s “Q & A” Feature
Additionally, residents can send questions through Zoom Webinar’s “Q & A” feature. Any participant will be able to submit a question by clicking on the Q & A icon along the bottom of the Zoom window on the computer screen.
Questions may be posed during the time slots most appropriate for their topics.
More Information
Click on the buttons below to learn more about the December 12 bond referendum.
If you have questions, please see the Referendum FAQs section of the website. You are also encouraged to email if you have additional questions. Thank you.