973-331-7100 x1200
Fax: 973-316-4655
123 Konner Avenue
Pine Brook, NJ 07058
Regular School Day
Doors open at 8:00 AM
Students are considered late if they arrive after 8:10 AM
Early Dismissal Day
For Days on Calendar Previously Scheduled School Hours will be 8:10 AM - 12:45 PM
Doors will open at 8:00 AM and students are considered late after 8:10 AM
Delayed Opening
Doors Open at 10:00 AM
Students are considered late if they arrive after 10:10 AM
Parents are not allowed to walk to the front door or park in the parking lot. Parents must walk their child or use the carline.
Parents who walk their children will have to drop students off about halfway up the sidewalk. A teacher will be there to help ensure your child gets to the right place.
Parents who use the carline should not arrive before 7:55. If you are the first one in line please only pull up to the orange cone to allow our buses the ability to pass and unload students first.
If any students have difficulty separating from you or exiting the car, you will need to exit the parking lot and re-enter the car line once the child is ready to enter the building.
Teachers cannot open the car door for your child. We understand some students may have difficulty doing this. Please practice with them before the first day of school.
Students may ride their bikes to school. The students will follow the same procedures as the walkers. Parents can not bike up the sidewalk with their children.
For the first few days of school kindergarten teachers will meet their students outside.
There are 3 ways students can be dismissed:
BUS students will be dismissed by grade level and walked to the bus by an adult.
WALKERS will ONLY be dismissed to the sidewalk. They will proceed down the hill where parents and caregivers will meet them at the bottom of the hill on Konner Avenue.
CAR-LINE students will be dismissed to the grass in the front of the building and line up with their teacher to maintain social distancing. Please note the following mandatory procedures:
Every car must have a paper with the child’s name and teacher being picked up clearly printed in marker visible through the passenger side window.
Cars will enter the parking lot as usual, pull up as far as possible. Numbered parking spots will appear along the sidewalk in front of school. Please wait for the next available numbered parking spot and pull in.
The staff member at the number sign will read the child’s name and then walkie for your child.
Please do not open your windows, or get out of your car.
Staff members will not open car doors for students.
Staff will be positioned at various locations to direct the flow of traffic.
Multiple late pick-ups or violations of the procedure set forth below will result in a mandatory phone conference with administration.
973-331-7100 x1200
Fax: 973-316-4655
123 Konner Avenue
Pine Brook, NJ 07058
973-331-7100 x1200
Administrative Assistant
973-331-7100 x1202
Administrative Assistant
973-331-7100 x1203