Welcome to Woodmont School's Main Office

Woodmont Elementary School
39 Woodmont Rd.
Pine Brook, NJ  07058

Phone:  973-331-7100 ext. 1800
Fax:  973-316-4650

Main Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM to 3:30 PM

Dominic Esposito ext. 1800
e-mail:  dominic.esposito@montville.net

Secretary  (12 months)
Jill Arslanian ext. 1800
e-mail:  jill.arslanian@montville.net

Secretary  (10 months)
Kim Zemaneck ext. 1800
e-mail: kim.zemaneck@montville.net

Mrs. Shingledecker, School Nurse:   ext. 1810

To report an ABSENCE please call ext. 1811 and leave a detailed message including your child's name, homeroom and any symptoms.

Mr. Stech, School Counselor:  ext. 1815