Kindergarten Registration for the Montville Township Public Schools 2025-2026 academic year opens Tuesday, January 14, 2024. All children of residents of Montville, Pine Brook, or Towaco, New Jersey, who have reached the age of five on or before October 1, 2025, are eligible for Kindergarten. Parents/Guardians must complete On-Line Registration for each child attending Kindergarten. On-line Registration must be completed between Tuesday, January 14, 2025 and Monday, February 17, 2025.

Kindergarten Registration for the Montville Township Public Schools 2025-2026 academic year opens Tuesday, January 14, 2025. All children of residents of Montville, Pine Brook, or Towaco, New Jersey, who have reached the age of five on or before October 1, 2025, are eligible for Kindergarten. Parents/Guardians must complete On-Line Registration for each child attending Kindergarten.

The 2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration deadline is Monday, February 17, 2025. Instructions and details regarding the entire Kindergarten Registration process can be found on-line at Parents and Guardians are reminded to click on MENU. From there, STUDENT REGISTRATION can be found under the PARENT RESOURCES heading on the MENU. Information regarding which of the district’s five elementary schools a child is eligible to attend can also be located on-line during the registration process.

District-wide Kindergarten Screening will be held, for each of the district’s five elementary schools, in the spring.

In order for students to attend MTPS Kindergarten Screening, all On-Line Registration must be completed by Monday, February 17, 2025.

At Kindergarten Screening children will complete a series of activities to provide teachers with an indication of the developmental level of each child. The screening lasts about one hour. Each child will have their picture taken, meet each of the kindergarten teachers within their assigned school, speak with the teachers, and participate in a few simple tasks. No preparation is necessary. Kindergarten Screening is not a test. Kindergarten Screening will not be scheduled until spring 2025.

In order for a student to be scheduled for Montville Township Public Schools 2025-2026 Kindergarten Screening, On-line Registration must be completed between Tuesday, January 14, 2025 and Monday, February 17, 2025.