#MustangPride! Game Day! Mustangs Boys Lacrosse
#StangsLax 🐎Game Day!! Away at St. Peter’s Prep 4:30pm! 4/8/24!
Classes resume TOMORROW, Monday April 8. Welcome back to school!
#RememberingMarch! #YAM! #YouthArtMonth! VIDEO! #ArtInTheHalls! Symmetry at #CedarHill! #EducateInspireEmpower!
Watch NOW on YouTube: https://youtu.be/sNnvBEjwa4k
Montville Township Public Schools YouTube Channel
#MTHS! Mustangs Softball TODAY, April 5, at Pope John HS at 4PM! #MustangPride! #RollStangs!
IN THE NEWS! #MontvilleBOE Members Michelle Zuckerman and Dr. Karen Cortellino were among the Dignitaries to attend the Break the Fast of Ramadan event at Boonton Mosque. See #MontvilleTAP: https://ow.ly/FHY550R9vgf
MTPS Facilities Team! Highly specialized individuals who make certain the schools operate smoothly. Daily they often arrive before dawn! Over Break they also attended PD! Read about this dedicated team in "Superintendent's Column BEHIND THE SCENES": https://5il.co/2dsrb
#TBThursday! Video! See #MTHS being built. Photos circa 1969! WATCH: www.montville.net/buildingmths.
MTPS is looking for historic photos of all 7 district schools--particularly need a pic of MTHS w/a cow in the foreground! Share pics HERE: www.montville.net/historicphotosmtps
#TBThursday! Happy New Year from the #MTHS Chinese Honor Society. VIDEO! These performances by Mandarin students showcase the beauty of Chinese culture. The students performed at MTHS and #Lazar. Watch NOW: https://youtu.be/qVAEAd2LPv4
#TBThursday! Feb 1, 2024, representatives from #MTHS Student Activity Council (SAC), and their advisor Mrs. Windt, attended a student leadership conference at Madison High School with other schools from the Northwest Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC). Attendees had the opportunity to hear from both Mr. James Stroker, who spoke about what it means to be a leader, and MTHS student Ben Bruchhauser, who talked about his blood drive initiative at MTHS and encouraged students to get out of their comfort zones and participate.
See montvilletwphs Instagram: https://ow.ly/wHuU50R7KAF
Is there a Doctor in the house? Yes! Two of them! #STEAM Day 2024! Before the break a rheumatologist & a scientific research doctor (both moms at #ValleyView) talked with Mrs. DeMaria's class about careers in the medical profession.
Wow! Thank you so much everyone! MTPS just hit 500 subscribers on #YouTube! #500subs! #EducateInspireEmpower! #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools! FOLLOW US & SHARE with others: https://youtube.com/@MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools?si=jpThFdaHMKKefUun
SO MUCH NEWS~ You don't want to miss Montville Moments from 3/28/24. Seeing Eye Puppies! Historic MTHS photos! STEAM events from pre-K to grade 5! AMAZING Bio work at MTHS.! Lazar Launches Oil History program with MT Historical Society! & MORE! SEE: https://5il.co/2hr5e
STEAM & Birthdays! #SteamDay2024! Before the break Olivia's parents visited #Hilldale's 1K. To celebrate #STEAMbirthday they helped each student create their own lava lamp!
#MustangPride! On 4/1 the #StangsLax (#MTHS Mustangs Boys Lacrosse) Player of the Game was #23 Soph Ryan Conlon!🐎 He earned “The Vest” with the 17-3 victory over Lenape Valley.
Happy Easter! Enjoy #FamilyandFriends!
Spring Break begins today! Have a GREAT Brain Break! Enjoy! #FamilyandFriends!
DEADLINE EXTENDED! Applications are now being accepted for Montville Township Public Schools' 2024-2025 Integrated Preschool program. Half-day 3-year-old (AM) & 4-year-old (PM) sessions available. For MORE INFO & Application visit: www.montville.net/preschool
HEADLINE NEWS! Superintendent Dr. Thomas A. Gorman's March column: SUPERWOMEN can be read in #TheCitizenNJNewspaper! Find it HERE: www.montville.net/citizensupercolumn
RECORDER KARATE! It’s the time #Woodmont grade 3 been waiting for! mrsdeyoung_sings posted: "Can’t wait!" #paws_pride!
#elementarymusic #recorder #music #elementary #recorderkarate #montvillemusic #divadeyoung #EducateInspireEmpower!
IN THE NEWS! Montville Twp Historical Society & #Lazar Kick-off Oral History Project! Math teacher Toby Cohen shares highlights from her 50-year teaching career in Lazar! Teachers Caitlin Mosera & Richard Crescente organized the opportunity. Grade 8 student Brielle Cuccia & Historical Society President Anthony Angiolini interviewed. Photos & Montville TAP Article: #MTHS Alumni Samantha Grossman! SEE #MontvilleTAP: https://www.tapinto.net/towns/montville/sections/montville-memories/articles/montville-township-historical-society-interviews-lazar-educator-toby-cohen-to-kick-off-its-oral-history-project
#MTHSAlumni! #EducateInspireEmpower!