#MustangPride! #MTHShockey TONIGHT! IT’S GAME DAY‼️ Come out and support the #MTHS Mustangs tonight at 8:00 PM at Mennen Sports Arena as they open up the new year against Mountain Lakes/ Boonton! 📷 #RollStangs!
#MontvilleBOE annual reorganization meeting. Tuesday, January 2 at 7PM (NOTE TIME is 7PM Tonight) at #MTHS Media Center.
Happy New Year! 2024!
Looking forward to seeing everyone back at school!
Classes resume tomorrow, Tuesday, January 2, 2024!
New Year's Eve!
Enjoy #FamilyandFriends!
Classes resume on Tuesday, January 2, 2024!
Happy Kwanzaa. A festival that celebrates self-determination, cooperative economics, creativity, unity, collective work & responsibility, purpose, & faith.
Dec 26-Jan 1
Christmas-themed STEAM!
Merry Christmas!
In the days leading to Winter Break MTPS students shared traditions & made new memories!
At #Woodmont Candy Cane Olympics, Elf Traps & Maximum-Capacity Sleigh Designs were among the STEAM activities.
Merry Christmas! May this festive season be filled with wonder and awe, and may you and your family share joy, warmth, laughter, and cherished moments that create lasting memories.
Memories of Christmas Eve past! #FromTheMTHSArchives! "Carol of the Bells/God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" performed at Winter Concert 2019 by then-freshman Yoo Jin Kang, (Violin soloist - #MTHS class of 2023) and the #MTHS Orchestra. www.montville.net/mthswinterconcert2019
Have a wonderful Winter Break!
Enjoy the holidays!
See you in the New Year!
Classes resume Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Wonder and Awe. Read Superintendent Dr. Thomas A. Gorman's Dec 20, 2023, Superintendent's Column:
Wishing everyone a #WinterHolidaySeason of #WonderAndAwe.
Classes resume Tues, Jan 2, 2024.
Congratulations to #WilliamMason's Teacher of the Year Donald Wheeler & Educational Services Professional of the Year Olivia Maggiore! #OutstandingEducators! #wmhappenings #williammasonsch #EducateInspireEmpower
Photo with Principal David Melucci
Grinch Day at #Hilldale! It's the #HolidaySeason! Tomorrow, Fri. 12/22, is a 1/2 day at school!
CONGRATULATIONS! At #MontvilleBOE meeting 12/19 the Montville Twp. VFW Post #5481 presented awards to outstanding essay writers from #Lazar & #MTHS!
(Front Row): PATRIOT’S PEN- Awards went to 8th grade students: Alessandra DeCaldas, 1st place; Jordyn Bilenski, 2nd place; Katherine Huang, 3rd place.
VOICE OF DEMOCRACY: Ananya Bhat, 1st place (sr.); Charvi Kanna, 3rd place (soph.); Anisha Mulinti, 2nd place (soph.).
(Back Row): Dr. David Modrak, President Montville Board of Education; Kenneth Hanzel, VFW post #5481 Commander, Aide-de-Camp to VFW National Commander-in-Chief, Vietnam Veteran; Joe Coll, Montville VFW, Vietnam Veteran; Superintendent Dr. Thomas Gorman.
Extra Extra! The December issue of the Lazar Legacy School Newspaper is here! Check out : Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, World AIDS Day, and Book Review articles. Read the TEACHER SPOTLIGHT W/MRS. BRASSEL. Enjoy: Comics! Games! Holiday Traditions! Writing Contest! Poll! & SO MUCH MORE!
Student editors- October: Avery Freda, November: Tia Rebello, December: Alyssa Leff. Thanks too to teacher Jennifer Huster!
Tis the season! He's back! Elf under the umbrella! ...Near the sign! ...(In the rain!) Elf on the Roof! Elf can be anywhere at #CedarHill!
TONIGHT! #MontvilleBOE meeting. Municipal Building. 7:30PM Tue, Dec 19.
Montville VFW Post 5481
2023-24 Essay Contest Winners:
Voice of Democracy - #MTHS
1st Place: Ananya G. Bhat (will read essay)
2nd Place: Anisha R. Mulinti
3rd Place: Charvi R. Kanna
Patriot’s Pen - #Lazar
1st Place: Alessandra DeCaldas (will read essay)
2nd Place: Jordyn Bilenski
3rd Place: Katherine Huang
AGENDA: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/3526/Montville/3824668/2023-12-19_Public_Session_Agenda.pdf
#MTHS AP Studio Art students produced these beautiful charcoal gesture drawings in 2minutes! This lesson required students to explore expressive mark making where they used charcoal to sketch the crumbled paper forms hanging from the ceiling. #MTPSArtInTheHalls #MTPSArtInOurLIves
“Were such things here as we do speak about? " - Banquo, from Shakespeare's "Macbeth." At #MTHS "Banquo's Banquet" was a huge success in Ms. Shalongo & Mrs. Lenox's English 12 classes. A fun and engaging way for students to deepen their understanding of the "The Scottish Play!"
STEM! This week in physical science! #WilliamMason 5th graders conducted candy cane experiments. First they made hypotheses and then observed what happened to candy canes submerged in cold water, warm water, and oil.
Bradley Ward was the #WilliamMason Student of the Month for November! Superintendent Dr. Thomas Gorman sent the 2nd grader a letter congratulating him on his outstanding leadership! Principal David Melucci presented the letter and the accompanying stuffed mustang to the him.