#MustangPride! #MTHS Girls Basketball!! TONIGHT! N1G3 state quarterfinals! AT HOME! At 5:30 on 2/22/23 against Pascack Valley! Come out and CHEER! #RollStangs! #FamilyFun!
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Mustang Pride! MTHS Girls Basketball!! TONIGHT! 2/22/23. N1G3 state quarterfinals! AT HOME! At 5:30 against Pascack Valley! Come out and CHEER! Roll Stangs! FamilyFun!
IN THE NEWS! #Lazar Media Center offers students an opportunity to develop an interest in books they might not normally consider. "STARBOOKS Café Introduces Lazar Students to BOOKtasting" See #MontvilleTAP: http://ow.ly/V1oW50MYm2h
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
BookTasting Welcome to STARBOOKS Cafe: STARBOOKS Cafe Introduces Lazar Students to BOOKtasting. Montville, NJ - "Would you like more than a sip of this book?" is an important question at the Robert R. Lazar BOOK tasting at the STARBOOKS Cafe...
Thanks #njdotcom & #solar_landscape for the shoutout! " NJ schools are 🌎1st in the nation to teach climate education... 🌎2nd in the nation to be powered by solar energy, including #MontvilleTwpSch... " #EducateInspireEmpower! See NJdotcom : https://www.nj.com/data/2023/02/nj-schools-rank-2nd-in-nation-for-solar-power-see-if-your-districts-has-added-panels.html
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
NJ schools rank 2nd in the nation for solar power. At least 662 NJ schools have installed solar panels as of 2022. See NJ. com article for complete info.
#HilldaleHuskies! Miss Karl Tweeted: "Celebrating President’s Day in 1K! This week we learned all about Abraham Lincoln & George Washington and what important leaders they were! 💙❤️ " #PresidentsDay2023 #EducateInspireEmpower
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
#Hilldale Elementary School's Miss Karl Tweeted: "Celebrating President’s Day in 1K! This week we learned all about Abraham Lincoln & George Washington and what important leaders they were! " Students display their artwork about the presidents.
#Hilldale Elementary School's Miss Karl Tweeted: "Celebrating President’s Day in 1K! This week we learned all about Abraham Lincoln & George Washington and what important leaders they were! " Students display their artwork about the presidents.
#MustangPride! Congratulations to #MTHS Wrestling Coach John Krip for being selected as Coach of the Year for District VIl - Well Deserved!! #RollStangs!!! #MontvilleWrest1 🐎 🔥🤼‍♂️ #MustangsMTHS
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Congratulations to #MTHS Wrestling Coach John Krip for being selected as Coach of the Year for District VIl - Well Deserved!!
#MustangPride! The Stangs win 66-27 in the 1st Round of the N1G3 Sectional! #MTHS Girls Basketball!!! Up next: Top seeded #MontvilleGBBall will host 8th seeded #PascackValleyHS on WED 2/22 at 5:30PM #RollStangs! #MustangsMTHS
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Mustang Pride! The Stangs win 66-27 in the 1st Round of the N1G3 Sectional! MTHS Girls Basketball!!! Up next: Top seeded Montville Girls BasketBall will host 8th seeded Pascack Valley HS on WED 2/22 at 5:30PM
#MontvilleBOE Meeting TONIGHT, Tues, 2/21, at 7PM at the Montville Twp Municipal Building. (NOTE TIME is 7PM). Agenda: http://ow.ly/Jvyw50MXUKp
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Montville BOE Meeting Tues, 2/21, at 7PM at the Montville Twp. Municipal Building. (NOTE TIME is 7PM).
Presidents Day. Schools closed today. #EnjoyFamilyandFriends. Classes resume tomorrow, Tuesday, February 21, 2023. #EducateInspireEmpower #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
"Happy Presidents Day!" written on a photo of Mount Rushmore  with the faces of Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt and Lincoln. Also includes the Montville Township Public Schools logo.
Congratulations Dr. Karen Cortellino! The #MontvilleBOE Member has been nominated to serve as NJSBA's 2023-2025 President. Find out more about Cortellino's nomination & dedication to #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools & NJ public education: http://www.montville.net/News/boemembernominatedfor-njsbapres #EducateInspireEmpower
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Dr. Karen Cortellino, a Montville Twp. BOE Member, has been nominated to serve as NJSBA's 2023-2025 President .
#hilldalesfabulous4thgrade posted on Instagram: "Kindness continues!! We are painting for a great cause…. Cancer patients at local hospitals will be getting messages of love & hope from our kids." All grades at #Hilldale are participating in a #HeartsofHope event today, 2/17 ! Sending Letters, Hearts & Love to others! #hilldalehuskies #EducateInspireEmpower #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Hilldale 4th grade students participate in a Hearts of Hope event sending hearts and messages to area cancer patients.
Hilldale 4th grade students participate in a Hearts of Hope event sending hearts and messages to area cancer patients.
Hilldale 4th grade students participate in a Hearts of Hope event sending hearts and messages to area cancer patients.
VIDEO! #News12NJ's Brian Donohue was in-district this week to feature a new on-the-job training program. The cooperative initiative, organized by Sgt. Scott McGowan, allows Montville Twp. Police Officers & #MTHS students to learn from each other. WATCH at News12: https://newjersey.news12.com/montville-hs-program-allows-students-and-police-officers-to-learn-from-one-another #EducateInspireEmpower
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Sgt. Scott McGowan works with a student in the cooperative MTHS and Montville Twp. Police Department vocational work study program.  The program provides learning opportunities for police officers and students.
VIDEO! a Happy Valentine's message! Watch #PawsPride & THE POWER OF LOVE! #Woodmont travels BACK TO THE FUTURE in the DomLorean (Yes, you read that right -- a time machine made out of the principal's car). #ShareKindness! https://youtu.be/-r-JnyqRjA4
almost 2 years ago, Susan Marinello
Scene from Woodmont Valentine's video spoof of Back To The Future. Here "the professor" is showing "Marty" how math=love.
Scene from Woodmont Valentine's video spoof of Back To The Future. Here "the professor" is showing "Marty" the Domlorean (Named for the actual Woodmont principal.)
Scene from Woodmont Valentine's video spoof of Back To The Future. Here several woodmont students and the Woodmont Wildcat mascot, are playing instruments to the rhythm of POWER OF LOVE.
Scene from Woodmont Valentine's video spoof of Back To The Future. Here students in the Woodmont gym are being supportive of the student taking the foul shot.
Pathways for Exceptional Children EVENT! The awe-inspiring Harlem Wizards VS the Montville SuperStars--a team of school staff & parents. Sun, Mar 19 at 4pm at #MTHS gym. Get your tickets at: https://pretix.eu/harlemwizards/Montville/.
almost 2 years ago, Susan Marinello
Pathways for Exceptional Children EVENT!  The awe-inspiring Harlem Wizards VS the Montville SuperStars--a team  of school staff & parents. Sun, Mar 19 at 4pm at #MTHS gym.  Get your tickets at: https://pretix.eu/harlemwizards/Montville/.
Pathways for Exceptional Children EVENT!  The awe-inspiring Harlem Wizards VS the Montville SuperStars--a team  of school staff & parents. Sun, Mar 19 at 4pm at #MTHS gym.  Get your tickets at: https://pretix.eu/harlemwizards/Montville/.
CHARETTE CUP FINALS‼️ TODAY, Mon, Feb 13, at 4:15PM #MTHS Hockey takes on Newton/Lenape Valley. At Mennen Sports Arena!!!🐎🥅🏒 #cupfinal #stanggang #rollstangs #MustangPride! #MTHShockey #MustangsMTHS #MTHSAthBoosters #MTHSStampede
almost 2 years ago, Susan Marinello
CHARETTE CUP FINALS‼️ TODAY, Mon, Feb 13, at 4:15PM #MTHS Hockey takes on Newton/Lenape Valley. At Mennen Sports Arena!!!
#Hilldale #KindnessWeek: 2/13-Wear Sweats to work out problems with #kindness. 2/14-wear pink/red for the #LoveofKindness. 2/15-wear tie-die #PeaceLoveKindness. 2/16- wear #rainbowoflove. 2/17-wear #kindness shirt #HilldaleHappenings
almost 2 years ago, Susan Marinello
#Hilldale #KindnessWeek: 2/13-Wear Sweats to work out problems with #kindness. 2/14-wear pink/red for the #LoveofKindness. 2/15-wear tie-die #PeaceLoveKindness. 2/16- wear #rainbowoflove. 2/17-wear #kindness shirt  #HilldaleHappenings
#MustangPride! #MontvilleGBBall !!! Senior Night! TONIGHT! Mon, 2/13 at #MTHS gym. VS Ramapo. 7PM. Come out & support this awesome team! The Stangs have a 20-3 record!!! #RollStangs!!! #FamilyFun #FREEAthleticsAdmission Montville Girls Basketball
almost 2 years ago, Susan Marinello
MontvilleGBBall !!! Senior Night! TONIGHT! Mon, 2/13 at MTHS gym. VS Ramapo. 7PM. Come out and support this awesome team!  The Stangs have a 20-3 record!!!