HEADLINE NEWS! New SLEO at MTPS Elementary Schools! Officer Gaetano “Tommy” Scala, a retired Newark Police Officer, will work with Pre-K to Grade 5. WELCOME Officer Scala! READ the FULL STORY in #TheCitizen of Morris County: www.montville.net/citizenmontvillesleo

REMINDER: Integrated Preschool Registration & Applications Due On or Before March 1, 2025! To LEARN MORE, or to apply for the Popular Pre-K Program, visit: www.montville.net/preschool

CAST LIST! See BIG FISH - #MTHS Theatre Company's Spring Musical! Thur, Fri & Sat Mar 6, 7 & 8 at 7PM & Sun Mar 9 at 2PM. TKTS ONLINE: Adults - $15 & Student/Seniors - $12. Buy NOW: http://mthsnj.booktix.com/
Tickets also AT THE DOOR: $18 & $15

#Hilldale Brings Pageantry and Tradition to the Lunar New Year!
Students & staff skillfully celebrated the Year of the Snake. The lavish event included the fan dance, dragon dance, and MUCH MORE!

See BIG FISH! MTHS Theatre Company's Spring Musical! March 6, 7,& 8 at 7PM. March 9 at 2PM. A musical about family, love & the power of storytelling. Tickets- ONLINE: Adults - $15 & Student/Seniors - $12. ORDER Tickets NOW: http://mthsnj.booktix.com/ (Tkts at the door: $18 & $15)

REMINDER: Check out COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS. The webpage shares opportunities for activities & important information that may be of interest to you & your family: MEF MARCH MADNESS, MONTVILLE REC, LAKELAND Y SUMMER CAMP &MORE! See: www.montville.net/page/community-connections

BINGO! March Madness BINGO that is! FUN event to BENEFIT the MEF: Montville Educational Foundation. Tues, March 25 at 6PM in the St Pius X Parish Center. REGISTER NOW: www.montville.net/mefmarchmadness . $50/person ($400/table of 10). HELP MEF fund innovative initiatives. Thx.

#TBThursday! Find out more about the 2024-2025 Teachers of the Year, Educational Services Professionals of the Year & the Princeton University Distinguished Secondary School Teacher. STORY & LINK to Video of the event: https://www.montville.net/article/2039851

HEADLINE NEWS! Important #MTPS Parent Presentation - THE DIGITAL DILEMA! "First and foremost, Timothy Shoemaker recommends reducing your child, slowly, down to two hours of screen time per day." See the FULL STORY at #MontvilleTAP: www.montville.net/montvilletapsocialmedia
![HEADLINE NEWS! SEE STORY in #MontvilleTAP: www.montville.net/montvilletapsocialmedia . See TAPinto Montville for PHOTO GALLERY & STORY by Melissa Benno. EXPERT SPEAKER TELLS HOW TO PROTECT CHILDREN FROM SOCIAL MEDIA PREDITORS. 3 PHOTOS FROM ARTICLE CAN BE SEEN ON-LINE AT THE ARTICLE. tapINTO mONTVILLE LOGO, moNTVILLE tOWNSHIP pUBLIC sCHOOLS LOGO: educate. inspire. empower.“What’s astounding to Timothy Shoemaker is that even tech moguls Steve Jobs and Bill Gates wouldn’t give their own kids an iPad or a cell phone until they were 14, according to Shoemaker. They considered tech to be ‘too dangerous.’ Shoemaker quoted Jobs as saying, and Gates ‘monitors technology very closely in [his] home.’”](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/montville_township_public_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/13842156/large_Feb_17_tap_social.png)

TONIGHT, Tues, Feb 18, at 7:30 PM, #MontvilleBOE meeting in the #MTHS Media Center.
Tonight's Presentations include: #WilliamMason Chorus, MTHS Shoprite STARS & District Performing Arts Overview. ALSO, See AGENDA for district-wide GOOD NEWS: https://www.montville.net/boeagenda

Happy President's Day! Montville Township Public Schools are closed TODAY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17. Have a GREAT day!
Classes will resume tomorrow, February 18.

Big celebration today! #Hilldale got to tape Mr. Schwindel to the wall! ...It was all for a good cause….the graduating 5th graders! Big fun was had by all! See VIDEO on Instagram at hilldalesfabulous4thgrade: https://www.instagram.com/p/DGEOzYYyupM/

Happy Valentine's Day from the Montville Township Public Schools District Offices! Have a great weekend. REMINDER: Schools are CLOSED Monday, February 17. #EnjoyFamilyandFriends! #EducateInspireEmpower! #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools!

#HEARThealth! #SundayRUNday #youcandoit! Check out hilldalepe INSTAGRAM for reminders that "any success starts with WINNING HABITS. Pick 1 to start today & keep it going💪🏽💪🏽!!"
#HuskyFit #EducateInspireEmpower
VIDEO: https://www.instagram.com/p/DF217GmpKIc/

REMINDER! Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026 CLOSES MONDAY, February 17, 2025. For Details SEE the NEWS -- www.montville.net/article/1945572

TONIGHT: THE DIGITAL DILEMMA. Keep kids safe on-line. Presented by educator & retired law enforcement officer Tim Shoemaker. Thursday, February 13 at 7pm in the #MTHS Auditorium. FREE! Please join us. IMPORTANT Program for Parents/Guardians/Adults

2-Hour DELAYED OPENING TODAY, Thursday, February 13.
Due to inclement weather, all Montville Township Public Schools will have a 2-hour DELAYED OPENING TODAY (Thursday, February 13).
Please NOTE: Buses will arrive for morning pick-up 2-hours later than normal.

100 Days of School! Check out the Super Hero capes VIDEO @garibell_kindergarten_cuties. #Hilldale! #EducateInspireEmpower! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stories/direct/3566765679542924511_55038726984

2-Hour DELAYED OPENING TODAY, Wednesday, February 12.
Due to inclement weather, all Montville Township Public Schools will have a 2-hour DELAYED OPENING TODAY (Wednesday, February 12).
Please NOTE: Buses will arrive for morning pick-up 2-hours later than normal.

Friendly Reminder: IMPORTANT Program for Parents/Guardians/Adults -- THE DIGITAL DILEMMA. Keep kids safe on-line. Presented by educator & retired law enforcement officer Tim Shoemaker. Thursday, February 13 at 7pm in the #MTHS Auditorium. FREE! Please join us.