Tracie Hanzl Tweeted: "On Friday (3/24) KH celebrated the arts by dressing up as a musician or an artist!" 🎨👩🎨🎤🎶
#YouthArtMonth #CelebrateArt #ArtsandSciences #STEAM #Hilldale #EducateInspireEmpower #mrs_hanzl

FINAL PERFORMANCE! TONIGHT! March 24! #Lazar's THE MUSIC MAN, JR. Amazing singing, acting, dancing and fun! 7PM at #MTHS auditorium! TKTS $10 online: lazarms.seatyourself.biz. OR cash at the door. #FamilyFun! #EducateInspireEmpower #BroadwayClassic #LazarDramaClub

A new issue of "Superintendent's Column" is now available. Artificial Intelligence is the topic Dr. Thomas Gorman explores this March. http://www.montville.net/news/artificialintelligence

OPNING NIGHT! TONIGHT! March 23! #Lazar's THE MUSIC MAN, JR. 2Nights ONLY! March 23 & 24! Fun, Fabulous, Family Show! 7PM at #MTHS . TKTS $10 online: https://lazarms.seatyourself.biz. OR cash at the door. #FamilyFun! #EducateInspireEmpower #BroadwayClassic #LazarDramaClub

#Lazar's THE MUSIC MAN, JR. This week! Two Nights ONLY! March 23 & 24! Singing, Dancing, Fabulous Show Tunes! 7PM at #MTHS . TKTS $10 online: https://lazarms.seatyourself.biz. OR cash at the door. #FamilyFun! #EducateInspireEmpower #BroadwayClassic #LazarDramaClub

#hilldale_art on Instagram: "#Hilldale Kindergarten is celebrating Art and Music theme week dressed in tie-dye and Black and white! Students are working on a Abstract Alphabet inspired by the story Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! #youthartmonth"

Celebrate the Arts Week!
Painting, Drawing, Poetry, Music...Celebrate with Montville Township Public Schools!

#Hilldale's Miss Karl Tweeted: "St. Patrick’s Day #STEAM! 🌈⭐️💚👏🏻 Groups created a gold coin making machine, designed a home for a leprechaun, created a device that can find the end of the rainbow & designed a way to lure the leprechaun out of hiding!"

Leprechaun catchers! #Hilldale teacher Jaime Schultz Tweets: "Roses are red, the grass is green!
I’m the fastest leprechaun anyone has ever seen!!
Better 🍀 next year!!!"
#CatchALeprechaun #kindergartenrocks
@MrsSchultz18 @HilldaleSchool @drtagorman

Job Opening. Summer Painters for Montville Township Public Schools.
INFO & APPLICATION: www.montville.net/SummerPainters
The MTPS Maintenance Department is looking for help to paint over the summer. The main work will be at MTHS.
7am - 3pm: June 26 - August 25.
You must be 18 and older.
You must be able to climb a ladder.

The cast of The Music Man Jr.! The #Lazar Spring Musical at #MTHS Aud. Performances at 7PM on March 23 & 24. Tickets are $10. Purchase in advance: https://lazarms.seatyourself.biz
OR get tickets at the door.

Montville Township Board of Education Member Karen Cortellino (l) attended Governor Phil Murphy’s Budget Address to a Joint Session of the New Jersey Legislature on Feb. 28, 2023. Pictured: Cortellino, Murphy and Irene LeFebvre, President NJSBA (r).

#MontvilleBOE Meeting on Tuesday, 3/7 at 7:30 PM at the Montville Twp. Municipal Building. This meeting will include a presentation regarding the district's enrollment analysis and possible solutions.

Due to anticipated inclement weather, Montville Township Public Schools will have a 2-HOUR DELAYED OPENING on Tue, Feb 28.
If information changes, additional notifications will go out by 7AM.

Beginning Thursday, March 2! The #MTHS Musical! Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!
Performances: Mar. 2, 3, & 4 at 7:30 PM & Mar. 5 at 2 PM.
TKTS $12-$15.
ORDER TKTS NOW: mthsnj.booktix.com
AMAZING MUSICAL by MTHS Theatre Company (Drama Club). Featuring students of all ages from #Lazar and the elementary schools.

National Public Schools Week: Feb 27 - March 3, 2023.

DREAMS. See Dr. Thomas A. Gorman's February 2023 Superintendent's Column to learn more.
Read the column now at: http://www.montville.net/news/superintendentscolumnfeb2023
The Superintendent's Column can also be seen at #MontvilleTAP & #TheCitizen.

#HilldaleHuskies! Miss Karl Tweeted: "Celebrating President’s Day in 1K! This week we learned all about Abraham Lincoln & George Washington and what important leaders they were! 💙❤️ "