Happy Thanksgiving! The #MTHS faculty kicked off the holiday with their "Disguise a Turkey" creations! Happy Turkey Day! Enjoy family, friends & leftovers!. Classes resume Monday, December 2.

Congratulations! #Hilldale Named National Blue Ribbon School by the US Department of Education! The Faculty & students were honored by the #MontvilleBOE on Nov 19, 2024!

ALL PARENTS/GUARDIANS! Please join us TONIGHT -- Wed, Nov 20 at 7PM. David D’Amico, Chief Investigator for Middlesex County Dept. of Corrections & Youth Services will provide important insight into: BIAS, PREJUDICE & STEREOTYPES -- HOW DO THEY AFFECT US? In the #MTHS Auditorium

CORRECTION 7:30 PM #MontvilleBOE Meeting TONIGHT -- 11/19 -- at 7:30PM in the Montville Municipal Building. #Hilldale National Blue Ribbon School, VFW awards: Essays #MTHS & #Lazar, & Teacher of the Year, and MTHS ShopRite STARS. See agenda: https://www.montville.net/boeagenda

Meet the Characters! ALICE IN WONDERLAND! Tonight & Tomorrow, Nov 15 & 16 at 7PM At #MTHS. #FunFamilyEvent! ONLY 2 performances left! TKTS $10 seniors & students, and $12 adults. Tkts on sale at the door OR http://mthsnj.booktix.net/

Happy Diwali! #Hilldale students and staff held an in-school celebration today. The meaning of this festival of light and it's relevance to cultures around the globe was explored through art, dance, and costume! #EducateInspireEmpower!

NEW! MTPS District Newsletter: SUPER UPDATE. Check out 11/15/24 edition: Back-to-School Overview - Survey Results. This newsletter is the first of 3 to focus information & improvements that form the foundation of district initiatives. Read SUPER UPDATE now: https://5il.co/315dg

OPENING NIGHT! Tonight, Thurs., Nov. 14 at 7PM: ALICE IN WONDERLAND at #MTHS. Perfect for the entire family! MEET THE CHARACTERS after the show! TKTS $10 and $12. On sale at the door OR http://mthsnj.booktix.net/

IN THE NEWS! “Alice in Wonderland” -A Great Night of Theater for the Whole Family! Nov 14-16 at #MTHS! See #MontvilleTAP: https://www.tapinto.net/towns/montville/sections/arts-and-entertainment/articles/alice-in-wonderland-is-a-great-night-of-theater-for-the-whole-family

SEE Alice in Wonderland at #MTHS! Nov 14, 15 & 16 at 7PM. The MTHS Theatre Company's FALL PLAY. Tickets $10: Students/Seniors & $12: Adults. #FamilyFun! To LEARN MORE & ORDER TKTS NOW SEE: https://www.montville.net/article/1870225
3 Performances ONLY!

Community Connections -a webpage providing MTPS Community w/LINKS of interest. Currently: MTHS Theatre Company's "Alice in Wonderland" (11/14, 15 &16), 11/21 Career Night for Parents/Guardians & Students (grades9 & 10), & MORE: https://www.montville.net/page/community-connections

Veteran's Day! Montville VFW Post 5481 Ceremony TODAY. 11/11 at 11AM at the Community Park (Rain: inside Youth Center). Guest Speaker LTC Craig A. Bonham II. In person OR VIRTUAL. See VFW 5481 website: https://www.vfw5481.com/#s-4da80daa-eb55-473b-a177-992af5d386d0/

3 Performances ONLY! SEE Alice in Wonderland at #MTHS! Nov 14, 15 & 16 at 7PM. The MTHS Theatre Company's FALL PLAY. Tickets $10: Students/Seniors & $12: Adults. #FamilyFun! ORDER TKTS NOW: http://mthsnj.booktix.net/

IN THE NEWS! Superintendent's Column. Read Dr. Thomas Gorman's most recent article: STRATEGIC PLANNING... Providing the framework for implementation & innovation. See #MontvilleTAP: https://www.tapinto.net/towns/montville/articles/strategic-planning

Schools CLOSED TODAY -- Friday, November 1, 2024 -- in observance of Diwali. #EnjoyFamilyandFriends

Happy Diwali! Wishing you peace, prosperity, happiness, health and joy. Schools CLOSED Friday, November 1, 2024

Happy Halloween! The DOCTORS are in!!! The district's Assistants to the Superintendents, June Carle & Athena Demetropoulos came to work today as DRs. #EducateInspireEmpower!

Happy Halloween! The #MTPS Business Office dressed as the MTPS Facilities Crew today! Business Admin. Katine Slunt dressed as Facilities Supervisor Steve Toth. Toth plans to retire in 2025! #Gratitude for both the Business & Facilities Teams! #EducateInspireEmpower

TRUNK OR TREAT! Come visit the Montville Township Public Schools booth. TODAY 10/31 FROM 4:30-5:30. Behind the library. Happy Halloween!!!
#MTHS students helped Angela Pilsbury, from #MTPS Facilities. prepare bags of goodies. Bring canned goods for Kiwanis Food Pantry!

10/31: LAST DAY to BUY A TICKET! MEF CALENDAR RAFFLE- $1000 in Prize Money! 1 tkt $10! 3 tkts $20! $50 cash prize awarded on Fridays 11/1/24 to 1/31/25! $200 cash prize on Thanksgiving & Dec 27! 14 chances to WIN! INFO: MEFmontvillenj@gmail.com
Montville Educational Foundation