Olympic Athletes! READ Dr. Thomas Gorman's September SUPERINTENDENT'S COLUMN:
Welcome back to school! #EducateInspireEmpower!

Congratulations! Today #Hilldale Elementary School was named a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School by the US Department of Education. Hilldale is 1 of only 11 in NJ & 356 in the US. LEARN MORE about this outstanding educational team: https://www.montville.net/article/1780183

TODAY! At 1PM EST! The 2024 National Blue Ribbon School awardees will be announced. Check it out Monday, September 23 via the following links:

TONIGHT - 9/17 AND/OR 9/23! Come to ONE OR BOTH! At 6:30PM! FREE! Montville Broncos HOSTS: GIRLS NIGHT WRESTLING CLINIC for ALL AGES & SKILL LEVELS. At The Barn, 91 Passaic Valley Rd. INFO & REG: www.tinyurl.com/montvillegirlswrestling

TONIGHT! At 7:30PM on 9/17/24 - the #MontvilleBOE meeting at #MTHS Media Center. See AGENDA: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/3526/Montville/4839917/2024-09-17_Public_Session_Agenda.pdf

Please help Montville Educational Foundation support Montville Township Public Schools. Stop by their table at BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT! Thank you #MEF for supporting #MTPS!

Always Remember
TODAY there is a 9/11 Memorial Service. Hosted by Montville VFW Post 5481 & Montville Township. 11AM at the Montville Community Park Freedom Plaza. 130 Changebridge Road. OR watch on-line. LEARN MORE: www.montville.net/911vfwmemorialservice

Check out the Montville Historical Society on Wednesday, September 11 at 7PM at the Montville Senior House. The agenda will include a presentation on: 'School Days in a One-Room Schoolhouse" by guest speaker Joan Schaible!
Promoted as: "This is one class you won’t want to skip! "

Check out Community Connections! See Montville Township Recreation Department's FALL Program Guide, Info on the Grace's Army 5K & Fun Run to conquer childhood cancer, & many other opportunities.

TONIGHT! 7:30PM! #MontvilleBOE special meeting at #MTHS Media Center. AGENDA: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/3526/Montville/4811093/2024-09-10_Public_Session_Agenda_-_Special_Meeting.pdf

IN THE NEWS! Combined 1,162 Years of Service to Public Education! See #MontvilleTAP!
PHOTO GALLERY: https://www.tapinto.net/towns/montville/sections/education/articles/1-162-years-of-service-to-public-education-recognized-at-montville-township-public-schools-convocation

15-Years–of-Service Awards: #MTPS honored 10 educators for their 15 years-of-service to the MTPS students and community. READ about who they are & SEE PHOTO GALLERY: https://www.montville.net/article/1747910

20-Years–of-Service Awards: #MTPS recognized 26 educators for their 20-years-of-service to MTPS students and community. CONGRATULATIONS & THANK YOU! #EducateInspireEmpower! READ MORE & PHOTO GALLERY: https://www.montville.net/article/1747910

30-Years-of-Service! #MTPS honored 4 educators for their 30-years-of-service. Palmina Zurawlow (VV), Scott Riotto (MTHS), Bonnie DiCola (CH) with Robbie The Seeing Eye puppy, Tracie Hanzl (HD). THANK YOU & CONGRATS! SEE MORE PICS: https://www.montville.net/article/1747910

"Last 1st Day" 3 members of the #MTPS Central Office Team will retire this year. TODAY was their last first day. They will be missed. Thank you Steven Toth-Director of Buildings & Grounds, Tammy Koop-Transportation Coordinator, Theresa Ensminger-Human Resources & Benefits.

Welcome Back!!! 3rd Grade & 5th Grade! #Hilldalel! #MTPS1stDayofSchool2425! Have a great year! #EducateInspireEmpower! #HilldaleHuskies!

The #MTPS school nurses wish Robbie, the Seeing Eye Puppy, good luck on his return to #TheSeeingEye for formal training. #CedarHill School Nurse Bonnie DiCola has raised 21 Seeing Eye Dogs & was honored by the organization over the summer! CONGRATULATIONS!

CHECK IT OUT! Calendar Highlights: #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools 2024-2025! See upcoming schedules & DATES TO REMEMBER at #MontvilleTAP: https://www.tapinto.net/towns/montville/sections/education/articles/calendar-highlights-montville-township-public-schools-2024-2025-schedule

Welcome Back! Schools Open TODAY! Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Have a GREAT YEAR! #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools #EducateInspireEmpower #MTPS1stDayofSchool2425!

IN THE NEWS! Welcome New Faculty & Staff! First Day of School at Montville Township Public Schools: Tues, Sept 3! Looking forward to seeing everyone! WELCOME! #MontvillePATCH: https://patch.com/new-jersey/montville/19-new-faculty-staff-attend-montville-twp-schools-3-day-training