Tidbit Tuesday: Large, flexible spaces provide ideal room for events like interactive assemblies, hands-on workshops & combined-class gatherings.
The Dec. 12 referendum proposes the addition of a multipurpose room at 3 of our elementary schools -> www.montville.net/referendum
To Vote By Mail: Send one simple form to Morris County; get your ballot sent to you; send your marked ballot back. Form &details at montville.net/referendum > More Information > Vote.
Voters will decide two questions on the Dec. 12 ballot to address proposed improvements across all our schools.
Q1: Additional space for our elementary schools
Q2: Updates to school security and HVAC
Read more on our website: montville.net/referendum
May 24, 2024 - 1/2 day for students & faculty
June 18, 2024 - full day
View Calendar: https://ow.ly/IFjx50PYcNP
TONIGHT! Architect Will Explain Plans for Added Space, Improved HVAC and Stepped-Up Security at Montville Township Schools. All are encouraged to attend #MontvilleBOE Meeting on 10/17 at 7:30 at Montville Twp. Municipal Building. See #MontvilleTAP for details: https://ow.ly/Fz7g50PXGYp
Monday October 16th, started School Violence Awareness Week in NJ.
One significant way we can all participate is to learn a CDC Fast Fact each day.
Today 10/17 - How to Prevent Bullying: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/youthviolence/bullyingresearch/fastfact.html
Shared by many taxpayers over many years, making major improvements at all Montville Twp. schools would break down to about $34/month for the owner of a home assessed at the township’s average.
TOMORRW! Public Encouraged to Attend - Architect Will Explain Plans for Added Space, Improved HVAC & Stepped-Up Security. #MontvilleBOE Meeting, Tues, Oct 17 at 7:30 at Montville Twp. Municipal Building.
DETAILS: https://www.montville.net/article/1291879
NEW Alum Opportunity: Join the MTPS Alums Mailing List. Help us stay in touch for celebrations like MTHS reunions and elementary school anniversaries. Additionally, there are times when MTPS would like to share important or fun community information.
Voting by mail is a convenient, time-saving way to make your opinion count. It’s not too early to apply for a ballot to be sent to you before the school district’s bond referendum on December 12.
Visit the VOTE webpage: montville.net/referendum.
Click on More Information, VOTE
PLEASE SHARE w/other Montville Township families:
Parents/Guardians of ESL students are invited to attend an ESL FAMILY NIGHT -- English as a Second Language -- Tues., Oct 24 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Please attend and learn about ESL programs and services offered by the school and community.
Meet our teachers and other families with children in the ESL program.
Bring your children to this program, Montville Township High School students will be there to help entertain children who attend.
The Oct. 17 Board of Education meeting will include a bond referendum presentation by the school district’s architect to explore proposed projects: more space, HVAC upgrades & improved security.
Join us at the public session: 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building (195 Changebridge Road).
Tidbit Tuesday: Our elementary schools need space, and building that space requires a two-year timeline at a minimum. If approved by voters, the Dec. 12 referendum would put MTPS on track to begin solving space needs in 2025. Head to the link in our bio for details.
HEADLINE NEWS!!! Montville Educational Foundation Funds Largest Grant Yet to District-Wide STEAM Program! $60,000 to MTPS for a STEAM Day to take place in all 7 district schools. The largest MEF grant to date. See story in #MontvilleTAP: https://ow.ly/JZKW50PUL7z
Pictured Dr. David Modrak; Lauren Palma; Carol Palma, treasurer; Daria Senaldi, president; Christine Friedlein; Michael Abramson, vice president; Jody Patriarca, secretary; and Dr. Thomas Gorman.
No school for students TODAY - Monday, October 9. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY for Faculty & Staff.
Classes resume for students tomorrow.
Montville Township Public Schools will be at Montville Day TODAY! Sun, Oct 8 from 1 to 6 PM! At the Amphitheater behind the library (90 Horseneck Road). MTPS info booth w/ activities, prizes, give-aways & information for children & adults. Join us. #EducateInspireEmpower
Join us at Montville Day! MTPS representatives will share information about the Dec. 12 bond referendum at an info booth under the tent.
Montville Day is this Sunday, Oct. 8 from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Amphitheater behind the library (90 Horseneck Road).
MEF - Montville Educational Foundation supports MTPS' unique educational initiatives.
CALENDAR RAFFLE! One ticket is 13 chances to win! $50 drawings every Friday from Nov-Jan! Two special drawings for $200 each. TICKETS: $10/1, $20/3. Use QR code to purchase.
15 Years of Service: Read more NEWS at https://www.montville.net/article/1264942
Pictured: (Back Row): Jill Arslanian, Woodmont; Greg Milite, Woodmont; Christie Stella, William Mason; Victoria Carlucci, William Mason; Jessica Soehnlein, Valley View; Caroline Ford, Valley View; Kelly Roesler, Woodmont; Kelly Goodwin, William Mason; Robert Naturale, MTHS; Shelby Newkirk, Valley View; Christopher Butchko, MTHS; Meghan Notte, Cedar Hill; Kristin Warfield, Valley View; Wayne Guarino, MTHS; Laura Rivera, MTHS; Claudia Heim, Lazar; Catherine Lomauro, MTHS; Meghan Rosenthal, Lazar; Nancy Bostwick, Lazar; Kim Zemaneck, Woodmont, (Kneeling): Brian Quinn, Woodmont; and Sheila Frye, Valley View.
Voters will decide two questions on the Dec. 12 ballot to address proposed improvements across all our schools.
Q1: Additional space for our elementary schools
Q2: Updates to school security and HVAC
Read more on our website: montville.net/referendum