#Lazar's THE MUSIC MAN, JR. This week! Two Nights ONLY! March 23 & 24! Singing, Dancing, Fabulous Show Tunes! 7PM at #MTHS . TKTS $10 online: https://lazarms.seatyourself.biz. OR cash at the door. #FamilyFun! #EducateInspireEmpower #BroadwayClassic #LazarDramaClub
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
#Lazar's THE MUSIC MAN, JR.  This week! Two Nights ONLY! March 23 & 24! Singing, Dancing, Fabulous Show Tunes! 7PM at #MTHS . TKTS $10 online: https://lazarms.seatyourself.biz. OR cash at the door. #FamilyFun! #EducateInspireEmpower #BroadwayClassic #LazarDramaClub
#Lazar's THE MUSIC MAN, JR.  This week! Two Nights ONLY! March 23 & 24! Singing, Dancing, Fabulous Show Tunes! 7PM at #MTHS . TKTS $10 online: https://lazarms.seatyourself.biz. OR cash at the door. #FamilyFun! #EducateInspireEmpower #BroadwayClassic #LazarDramaClub
#Lazar's THE MUSIC MAN, JR.  This week! Two Nights ONLY! March 23 & 24! Singing, Dancing, Fabulous Show Tunes! 7PM at #MTHS . TKTS $10 online: https://lazarms.seatyourself.biz. OR cash at the door. #FamilyFun! #EducateInspireEmpower #BroadwayClassic #LazarDramaClub
#Lazar's THE MUSIC MAN, JR.  This week! Two Nights ONLY! March 23 & 24! Singing, Dancing, Fabulous Show Tunes! 7PM at #MTHS . TKTS $10 online: https://lazarms.seatyourself.biz. OR cash at the door. #FamilyFun! #EducateInspireEmpower #BroadwayClassic #LazarDramaClub
Celebrate the Arts Week! Painting, Drawing, Poetry, Music...Celebrate with Montville Township Public Schools! #montvillenjarts #MarchYouthArtsMonth! #MarchMusicInOurSchools! #EducateInspireEmpower!
almost 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Celebrate the Arts Week! Painting, Drawing, Poetry, Music...Celebrate with Montville Township Public Schools! #montvillenjarts #MarchYouthArtsMonth! #MarchMusicInOurSchools! #EducateInspireEmpower!
Job Opening. Summer Painters for Montville Township Public Schools. COLLEGE STUDENTS & Others! INFO & APPLICATION: www.montville.net/SummerPainters The MTPS Maintenance Department is looking for help to paint over the summer. The main work will be at MTHS. 7am - 3pm: June 26 - August 25. You must be 18 and older. You must be able to climb a ladder.
about 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Job Opening. Summer Painters for Montville Township Public Schools. COLLEGE STUDENTS & Others! INFO & APPLICATION: www.montville.net/SummerPainters The Maintenance Department is looking for help to paint over the summer. The main work will be at MTHS. 7am - 3pm: June 26 - August 25.  You must be 18 and older. You must be able to climb a ladder.
The cast of The Music Man Jr.! The #Lazar Spring Musical at #MTHS Aud. Performances at 7PM on March 23 & 24. Tickets are $10. Purchase in advance: https://lazarms.seatyourself.biz OR get tickets at the door.
about 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
The cast of the Lazar Spring Musical: THE MUSIC MAN JR. Performances March 23 and 24 at 7PM at MTHS auditorium. Tickets at $10 and can be purchased  in advance or at the door.
Montville Township Board of Education Member Karen Cortellino (l) attended Governor Phil Murphy’s Budget Address to a Joint Session of the New Jersey Legislature on Feb. 28, 2023. Pictured: Cortellino, Murphy and Irene LeFebvre, President NJSBA (r).
about 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Montville Township Board of Education Member Karen Cortellino (l) attended Governor Phil Murphy’s Budget Address to a Joint Session of the New Jersey Legislature on Feb. 28, 2023. She is pictured with Irene LeFebvre, President NJSBA (r).
#MontvilleBOE Meeting on Tuesday, 3/7 at 7:30 PM at the Montville Twp. Municipal Building. This meeting will include a presentation regarding the district's enrollment analysis and possible solutions.
about 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Photo of the Township of  Montville meeting room at the Town Hall.  Montville BOE Meeting on Tuesday, 3/7 at 7:30 PM will be held in the room at the Montville Twp. Municipal Building. This  meeting will include a presentation regarding the district's enrollment analysis and possible solutions.
Superintendent Dr. Thomas A. Gorman reads to the #Woodmont students in Carolyn Wyks' 2nd grade class for #READACROSSAMERICA. #EducateInspireEmpower. #ReadingRocks
about 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Superintendent Dr. Thomas Gorman reads to the Woodmont students in  Carolyn Wyks' 2nd grade class for READ ACROSS AMERICA.
Due to anticipated inclement weather, Montville Township Public Schools will have a 2-HOUR DELAYED OPENING on Tue, Feb 28. If information changes, additional notifications will go out by 7AM.
about 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Due to anticipated inclement weather, Montville Township Public Schools will have a 2-HOUR DELAYED OPENING on Tue, Feb 28. If information changes, additional notifications will go out by 7AM.
Beginning Thursday, March 2! The #MTHS Musical! Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! Performances: Mar. 2, 3, & 4 at 7:30 PM & Mar. 5 at 2 PM. TKTS $12-$15. ORDER TKTS NOW: mthsnj.booktix.com AMAZING MUSICAL by MTHS Theatre Company (Drama Club). Featuring students of all ages from #Lazar and the elementary schools.
about 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Beginning Thursday, March 2! The #MTHS Musical! Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! Performances: Mar. 2, 3, & 4 at 7:30 PM & Mar. 5 at 2 PM. TKTS $12-$15. ORDER TKTS NOW: mthsnj.booktix.com AMAZING MUSICAL by MTHS Theatre Company (Drama Club). Featuring students of all ages from #Lazar and the elementary schools.
National Public Schools Week: Feb 27 - March 3, 2023. #HerefortheKids #EducateInspireEmpower #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools
about 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Girl at a desk, National Public Schools Week February 27 to March 3, 2023. #HerefortheKids
DREAMS. See Dr. Thomas A. Gorman's February 2023 Superintendent's Column to learn more. Read the column now at: http://www.montville.net/news/superintendentscolumnfeb2023 The Superintendent's Column can also be seen at #MontvilleTAP & #TheCitizen.
about 2 years ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Montville Township Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Thomas A. Gorman.