MTHS - Officers of the MTHS Forensics team went to Lazar Middle School today to meet with students and promote our award-winning speech and debate team. Forensics is a popular club at our high school and our program is consistently recognized at the state and national level.
Parents/Guardians of K-12 students! Important presentation: THE IMPACT OF SCREENS & SOCIAL MEDIA -What ALL Parents Must Know & Do. IN-PERSON on Mon, Apr. 29 at 7PM in #MTHS Media Center. Presenter Lauren Muriello, LPC. MORE INFO:
Sponsored by #MTPS Counseling
IN THE NEWS! #MTHS Students Present Business Plans at #MontvilleBOE Meeting! #IBPF! See Story & PHOTO GALLERY at #MontvilleTAP:
MTHS - Good luck and congratulations to Mrs. Einstein’s AP Biotechnology class today as they will be the first students in New Jersey to take the BACE exam!
#MontvilleBOE Meeting TONIGHT, Tues, Apr 16. Municipal Building. 7:30PM. ShopRite STARS, #CedarHill A/V Club & #MTHS Bowling are on the AGENDA:
MTHS - Students from Mr. Connolly's International Business Practice Firm (IBPF) classes attended the Virtual Enterprises Youth Business Summit in New York City. The two teams, Charge Caddy and InVision, competed against schools from across the U.S. who also qualified. The InVision team of Anushka Champaneria, Ava Fialla, and Jordan Bergman competed in the Marketing Plan competition, while the Charge Caddy team of Tanish Jawadekar, Connor Smith, Priya Ganguli, Luke Tlusty, Rocco Vena, and Hayden Abfier competed in the Business Plan competition.
Additionally, representatives from both companies attended the International Trade Show on Friday where each company designed and decorated their trade booth.. The goal of the trade show was to gain as many sales as possible by promoting the company's products to students from other high schools from around the country and internationally (Romania, Germany, Brazil and others were represented). Charge Caddy made over $54,000 in sales while InVision did over $36,000 in sales during the trade show!
Congratulations to our IBPF students and to Mr. Connolly their teacher and mentor!
#MTHS PARENTS/GUARDIANS/STUDENTS! Learn About the College Admissions Process from a Panel of Admission Representatives. VIRTUAL! Tune in to Google Meet on Thurs, Apr 18 at 7PM. Learn more at:
Interested in a US Military Academy? Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill is holding a Service Academies Forum. Sun, Apr 14. 1-3PM. AT Fairfield VFW, 45 Plymouth St.
Naval, West Point, Air Force, Merchant Marine, Coast Guard & ROTC. RSVP not required:
MTHS - High school students who attended William Mason Elementary School participated in a full day Junior Achievement workshop and training. These students will travel to William Mason to teach third, fourth and fifth grade students about entrepreneurship, business and job readiness in the coming weeks!
MTHS - Have you SEEN what's going on in Anatomy class!? Mrs. Hinz and Ms. Slezak's students are dissecting cow eyeballs this week as part of the nervous system unit.
Schools closed TODAY, Wednesday, April 10, for Eid Al Fitr.
May this day bring peace and happiness to all.
Classes resume Thursday, April 11, 2024.
MTHS - Congratulations to eight MTHS students who received awards for their artwork from the Blackwell Street Artists' High School Students Exhibition!
1st Place: Portraiture: Natalia Dudek "Self-Portrait with Flowers"
2nd Place: Portraiture: Sydney You "Self-Portrait"
2nd Place: Portraiture: Jenny Jin " Self-Portrait"
3rd Place: Portraiture: Ava Fragomeni "Self-Portrait"
2nd Place: Ceramics: Gabi Soeiro "Woodland Teapot"
3rd Place: Photography: Ariana Carvajal "Feeding Time"
Honorable Mention: Sculpture: Elizabeth Lorenzo "Dolphin"
Honorable Mention: Ceramics: Tim Chan "Rectangular Teapot"
Students will be honored at a reception and awards ceremony on April 17th from 5-8pm at the Atrium Building in Morristown. We are proud of our student artists and their fantastic faculty teachers/mentors: Mrs. Sharon Pflug-Moench, Mr. Paul Moench, Ms. Alba Mezini and Ms. Peggy Travers.
Three members of the District office staff checking out the #SolarEclipse2024! Great job using the proper eye protection Terry, Eileen & June! #EducateInspireEmpower! #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools! #86RiverRoad
MTHS - Before break, Mr. Butchko's Holocaust & Genocide Studies classes took a field trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. This day long trip included time at the museum as well as the National Mall.
(Photos courtesy of: Gracemarie Williams, 12th grade)
Classes resume TOMORROW, Monday April 8. Welcome back to school!
IN THE NEWS! #MontvilleBOE Members Michelle Zuckerman and Dr. Karen Cortellino were among the Dignitaries to attend the Break the Fast of Ramadan event at Boonton Mosque. See #MontvilleTAP:
MTPS Facilities Team! Highly specialized individuals who make certain the schools operate smoothly. Daily they often arrive before dawn! Over Break they also attended PD! Read about this dedicated team in "Superintendent's Column BEHIND THE SCENES":
#TBThursday! Video! See #MTHS being built. Photos circa 1969! WATCH:
MTPS is looking for historic photos of all 7 district schools--particularly need a pic of MTHS w/a cow in the foreground! Share pics HERE:
#TBThursday! Happy New Year from the #MTHS Chinese Honor Society. VIDEO! These performances by Mandarin students showcase the beauty of Chinese culture. The students performed at MTHS and #Lazar. Watch NOW:
#TBThursday! Feb 1, 2024, representatives from #MTHS Student Activity Council (SAC), and their advisor Mrs. Windt, attended a student leadership conference at Madison High School with other schools from the Northwest Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC). Attendees had the opportunity to hear from both Mr. James Stroker, who spoke about what it means to be a leader, and MTHS student Ben Bruchhauser, who talked about his blood drive initiative at MTHS and encouraged students to get out of their comfort zones and participate.
See montvilletwphs Instagram: