Happy Thanksgiving! Check out this sampling of DISGUISE A TURKEY entries from #MTHS staff!
Enjoy #FamilyandFriends this holiday weekend! #Gratitude! See you next week!
#MTHS Key Club donates 2,389 items to the Montville Food Pantry! Thanksgiving drive includes food cards, canned goods & stuffing. Dozens of students bagged dinners to be distributed to area families.
#GoodNewsinNJSchools #EducateInspireEmpower
MTHS - In celebration of Thanksgiving, faculty at the high school participated in a Disguise-a-Turkey competition. 19 turkeys were submitted for "pardoning" and the winners are: 1st Place: Santa's Workshop - Wendy Reinknecht, 2nd Place: Flamingo - Evie Rajkovich, 3rd Place: Barnyard - Sharon Pflug-Moench. A big thank you to Meghan Manginelli and Amanda Windt for organizing this event!
CANCELLED! Tonight's (12/4) parenting event is cancelled.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS! Cancelled. In-person Parenting Event: Social Emotional Parenting! w/Kelly Canzone, LCSW. Mon, Dec. 4 at 7PM at #MTHS is CANCELLED.
HEADLINE NEWS! #MTHS Theatre Company Performs 'PUFFS' Comedy for its Annual Fall Play! The comedic parody was performed last week. Learn More! #MontvilleTAP: https://www.tapinto.net/towns/montville/articles/montville-theatre-company-performs-puffs-comedy-for-its-annual-fall-play
By bringing state funds back to our community, local taxes would not pay all the costs of proposed improvements in the Dec. 12 bond referendum. Get key info about the $9.5 million state aid commitment – only available with voter approval: montville.net/referendum
MTHS - Mr. Connolly's Sports Marketing class and Mr. Andes's science class teamed up to design presentations about attending a college sporting event. Students in Mr. Connolly's classes handled the marketing components of the project while Mr. Andes's students were responsible for the project's mapping, transportation, and coordinates.
MTHS -Key Club would like to thank all of those who participated in the food drive! MTHS collected over 1,300 items and with the help of Lazar and the Board of Education, we were able to sort and pack almost 2,400 items and make Thanksgiving dinner bags for over 45 families!
Planning to vote in the Dec. 12 bond referendum by mail? If you still need a ballot to be mailed to you, your Vote By Mail application must be received by the Morris County Board of Elections on or before Dec. 5! Visit the VOTE page on montville.net/referendum for key voter info.
-- go to VOTE under More Information.
FINAL PERFORMANCE! See PUFFS at #MTHS TONIGHT, Nov. 18, at 7:30PM! The MTHS Theatre Company's fall show! A fun-filled parody of a famous British wizarding school. TKTS $10 for students & SR. citizens, & $12 for adults. TKTS on-line: mthsnj.booktix.net , or at door.
MTHS - Yesterday, FBLA hosted a badminton tournament after school in the Main Gym. The competition was fierce and prizes were awarded. A special thanks to FBLA advisor, Mr. Scott Farro, and the entire Montville FBLA chapter!
REMINDER! SAVE THE DATE! SEE NEWS on montville.net. Webinar-styled forum about bond referendum w/public Q&A. 7 p.m.. Wed., Nov. 29. Webinar link, will be posted on montville.net/referendum closer to the date. Recording will be posted for after the event.
#TBThursday! District Communications Officer Sue Marinello presented at the NJSBA annual conference in AC, NJ. Branding: Building Powerful Relationships Through Brand Identity. And on Strategic Planning & Community Engagement. Superintendent Dr. Thomas Gorman attended too.
MTHS - Last night (11/15), MTHS held their fall induction ceremony for National Honor Society (NHS.) Advisors, Mrs. Jennifer Nichols and Ms. Kate Slezak, along with guest speakers, Dr. David Gelber and Mrs. Sandy Vermaelen, celebrated the twenty three new inductees.
Stay ahead of the deadline and make sure you are registered to vote! Your registration must be up to date by Nov. 21 to participate in the bond referendum set for Dec. 12. Find voting info at montville.net/referendum.
Look for Vote under More Information.
MTHS - Tomorrow is opening night for The Montville Township High School Theatre Company's fall show - PUFFS! Tickets are $10 for students and senior citizens, and $12 for adults. Tickets can be purchased on-line at: http://mthsnj.booktix.net/ , or at the door.
Superintendent's Column - Strong Community Inspires Growth.
Dr. Gorman's most recent column focuses on the extraordinary community that is Montville Township. The column features vibrant community activities and organizations.
Tidbit Tuesday: The elementary school student population already exceeds capacity by 100 students this year. Learn about the need for space and what is being proposed on the Dec. 12 ballot: montville.net/referendum
MTHS - Before the break, Mrs. Evans had students in her Algebra 2 Honors class complete a factoring scavenger hunt to review and reinforce their unit of study at the end of the marking period. As a reminder, today is the start of marking period 2!
#MontvilleBOE meeting TONIGHT!, Tues., Nov 14 at 7:30PM at Montville Twp Municipal Building! View agenda: https://www.montville.net/documents/board-of-education/agendas-and-minutes/2023/471224
#MontvilleTownshipPubicSchools #EducateInspireEmpower!