CONGRATULATIONS! #MontvilleBOE member Dr. Karen Cortellino elected PRESIDENT of New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA)! BOE members Michael Palma & Dr. David Modrak & Superintendent Dr Thomas Gorman attended the 5/13 ceremony in West Windsor.
SEE MORE INFO: https://montvilletownshipnj.sites.thrillshare.com/article/1119273

PARENTS/GUARDIANS of Grades K-12 students! At 7PM on Wed, May 31! A powerful program supporting healthy coping mechanisms. At #MTHS!
YOU CAN'T PREVENT WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW! Presented by Dr. Matt Bellace; Speaker, Psychologist & Comedian. Sponsored by #MTPS School Counseling!

A Teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.
Teacher Appreciation Week! May 8-12!
Thank You Teachers!

#MontvilleBOE Meeting. Tues, May 9 at 7:30PM -- TOMORROW -- at #MTHS Media Center. See agenda: https://www.montville.net/userfiles/1214/my%20files/after%20february%202/2023-05-09%20public%20session%20agenda.pdf?id=5592

Buy A Brick! Montville Athletic Boosters Fundraiser! #itsagreatdaytobuyabrick! Orders DUE Fri, May 12! 🧱🐎🧱🐎 Great send-off for a 2023 graduate or honor a past, present or future Mustang! #mustangpride!

CONGRATULATIONS! #MustangPride! #MTHS Athlete Julia Swanson! 🔥100 CAREER GOALS📷Montville Girls Lacrosse

Thank you Teachers!
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8-May 12, 2023

#MustangPride! Congratulations to #MTHS golf athlete Eli Kaufman on shooting a Morris County Tournament low 69!! He is your 2023 Morris County Tournament Champion!! #MCTChampion!

#MustangPride! STANGS BASEBALL (10-5) with 8-0 WIN over Boonton! The Mustangs honored Educators in their inaugural Teachers Appreciation Game!🍎✏️💚 💛 #TeacherAppreciation! #MTHS! #MontvilleBBall! #RollStangs!

CONGRATULATIONS! Stefanie San Filippo! #MustangPride! The #MTHS History teacher NOMINATED FOR NATIONAL PATRICIA BEHRING TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD! 1 HS & 1 MS teacher were selected from 47 National History Day Affiliate programs! National Winner will be announced June 15, 2023, at the National History Day National Contest Awards Ceremony in Maryland! #RollStangs!

HEADLINE NEWS! Coach of the Year! Player of the Year! & First Team All-Morris County Boys! #MTHS Bowling at the FIRST NJ HS Bowling Coaches Association (NJHSBCA) All-County Bowling Awards Banquet for Morris & Sussex!
#MustangPride! #RollStangs! See #TheCitizen: https://www.newjerseyhills.com/randolph_reporter/news/area-high-school-students-earn-bowling-kudos/article_24d90aac-e91d-11ed-90d8-db792112b0e8.html?utm_source=newjerseyhills.com&utm_campaign=%2Fthe-citizen%2Fnewsletters%2Fheadlines%2F%3F-dc%3D1683194424&utm_medium=email&utm_content=headline

TONIGHT! in 4-hours! Amazing night of music! #MTHS Theatre Company presents BROADWAY NIGHT! At MTHS! INVITE #FamilynFriends! Wed, May 3 at 7:30 PM. Come hear your favorite #ShowTunes performed by OUTSTANDING performers! Tickets at the door - $10! #MustangPride! #FamilyFun!

HEADLINE NEWS! #MustangPride! #MTHS Girls Golf Off to Undefeated Start! "The Mustangs have gone 7-0 shooting 220 or less in five of the seven matches" Check out #MontvilleTAP: https://www.tapinto.net/towns/montville/sections/sports/articles/montville-girls-golf-off-to-undefeated-start?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Montville+Girls+Golf+Off+to+Undefeated+Start&utm_campaign=Montville+Girls+Golf+Off+to+Undefeated+Start

#MustangPride! #MTHS Student Presents Original Password Security Algorithm System.
Jenna Iervolino shared her Independent Study call to action with the #MontvilleBOE. The senior developed an original easy-to-use algorithm to create secure passwords. Her focus is on helping people avoid Social Engineering Cyber Security threats.
WATCH NOW: https://youtu.be/aC4dLBR4AmA

A piece of #Woodmont history has returned home! This gorgeously refurbished card catalog was originally bolted to the media center wall. When renovation began in 2018, the broken and battered card catalogue was slated for disposal. Media Specialist Toni-Ann Raj asked #MTHS woodworking instructor Don Morgenroth if MTHS students could repair and refurbish it. This week the beautiful piece of local library history was returned to the Woodmont Media Center.

#MTHS senior Laura Justnes was 1 of only 4 Soprano 2s from NJ at the NAfME All-Eastern Conference on April 16. The 224-member choir, from 11 States on the east coast, performed in the Kodak Hall at the Eastman Theatre in Rochester, NY. The renowned Dr. Jason Max Ferdinand from the University of Maryland conducted. Justnes
was chosen for a solo in the piece “Lift Every Voice and Sing” by Zanaida Robles. #MustangPride!

#MontvilleBOE Meeting! TONIGHT! Tuesday, April 25! At 7:30PM! In the #MTHS Media Center
See AGENDA: montville.net/Content2/872

#MontvilleBOE Meeting! Tomorrow. Tuesday, April 25! At 7:30PM! In the #MTHS Media Center
See AGENDA: https://www.montville.net/Content2/872

#MTHS Baseball, Softball and Marching Band help Montville Township Baseball and Softball Association LAUNCH the recreational season with an opening day parade! See PHOTO GALLERY at #MontvilleTAP: https://www.tapinto.net/towns/montville/sections/sports/articles/mbsa-holds-opening-day-in-montville?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=MBSA+Holds+Opening+Day+in+Montville&utm_campaign=MBSA+Holds+Opening+Day+in+Montville