MTHS - Attention students! National Honor Society offers tutoring during lunch! Stop by room 305 Monday-Thursday during the common lunch period to learn more.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Keneally
poster with blue background that reads: Need help with a subject?  National Honor Society provides tutoring!  Stop by 305 during lunch Monday-Thursday.  Questions?  Contact Ms. Slezak or Mrs. Nichols
MTHS - Ceramics II students create pitchers and teapots in class. For this assignment, students will use various clay building methods including the pottery wheel, slab building, or coil building to complete their project.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Keneally
Student at the pottery wheel working on the body of a teapot
Body of teapot competed and on table
A student working on the pottery wheel to create a pitcher.
#TBThursday! In case you missed the 12/22/23 Montville Moments-- READ THE NEWS: OF NOTE! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Educators of the Year! 15 Educators to be Honored Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 7:30PM BOE Meeting in the #MTHS Media Center!
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
#TBThursday! In case you missed the 12/22/23 Montville Moments-- READ THE NEWS: OF NOTE! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Educators of the Year! 15 Educators to be Honored Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 7:30PM BOE Meeting in the #MTHS Media Center!
#MontvilleBOE reorganization meeting was held 1/2/24 at #MTHS. Incumbents Mike Palma (2,704 votes), Michelle Zuckerman (2,399) & Joseph Daughtry (2,384) were sworn in for another term. Zuckerman & Dr. David Modrak were elected as Vice President and President of the BOE for 2024.
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
#MontvilleBOE reorganization meeting was held 1/2/24 at #MTHS.  Michelle Zuckerman & Dr. David Modrak were elected as Vice President and President of the BOE for 2024.
#MontvilleBOE reorganization meeting was held 1/2/24 at #MTHS. Incumbents Mike Palma (2,704 votes), Michelle Zuckerman (2,399) & Joseph Daughtry (2,384) were sworn in for another term.
MTHS - Students in Mr. Morgenroth's Woods class work on their small tables with drawers. This project involves many steps, careful measurements and a lot of sanding using a hand sander.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Keneally
Mr. Morgenroth helps a student construct the drawer for their table.
Students carefully measure using a triangle ruler for their drawer
A student looks at a row of tables in progress.  These tables are waiting for their drawers to be constucted.
A student uses a hand sander on the side of their table.
MTHS -Students in Visual Arts III & IV created self portraits using a style of painting popularized by artist Chuck Close. When viewed up close, the portraits have separate tiles of artwork that from a distance look like a cohesive image. Stop by the media center to see more!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Keneally
grid featuring four self portraits done in a style similar to Chuck Close where separate tiles of paint look unique up close, but from a distance form one cohesive image.
#MontvilleBOE annual reorganization meeting. Tuesday, January 2 at 7PM (NOTE TIME is 7PM Tonight) at #MTHS Media Center. INFO:
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
#MontvilleBOE annual reorganization meeting. Tuesday, January 2 at 7PM (NOTE TIME is 7PM) at #MTHS Media Center. Montville Township Public Schools. Educate. Inspire. Empower.
Happy New Year! 2024! #EducateInspireEmpower! #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools! Looking forward to seeing everyone back at school! Classes resume tomorrow, Tuesday, January 2, 2024!
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Happy New Year! #EducateInspireEmpower #MontvilleTownshipPublicSchools
New Year's Eve! Enjoy #FamilyandFriends! Classes resume on Tuesday, January 2, 2024!
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
New Year's Eve! Enjoy #FamilyandFriends! Classes resume on Tuesday, January 2, 2024! Five, four, three, two, one Happy New Year! Montville Township Public Schools logo.
Happy Kwanzaa. A festival that celebrates self-determination, cooperative economics, creativity, unity, collective work & responsibility, purpose, & faith. Dec 26-Jan 1
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Happy Kwanzaa. A festival that celebrates Red Candles:  kujichagulia (self-determination), ujamaa (cooperative economics), and kuumba (creativity), Black Candle: umoja (unity) Green Candles:  ujima (collective work and responsibility), nia (purpose), and imani (faith). 7 Candles of Kwanzaa
Merry Christmas! May this festive season be filled with wonder and awe, and may you and your family share joy, warmth, laughter, and cherished moments that create lasting memories.
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Merry Christmas! May this festive season be filled with wonder and awe, and may you and your family share joy, warmth, laughter, and cherished moments that create lasting memories.
Memories of Christmas Eve past! #FromTheMTHSArchives! "Carol of the Bells/God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" performed at Winter Concert 2019 by then-freshman Yoo Jin Kang, (Violin soloist - #MTHS class of 2023) and the #MTHS Orchestra. #EducateInspireEmpower!
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Memories of Christmas Eve past! #FromTheMTHSArchives!  "Carol of the Bells/God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" performed at Winter Concert 2019 by then-freshman Yoo Jin Kang, (Violin soloist - #MTHS class of 2023) and the #MTHS Orchestra.
Have a wonderful Winter Break! Enjoy the holidays! See you in the New Year! Classes resume Tuesday, January 2, 2024
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Winter Break. Enjoy the holidays! Winter Break is 12/23/23 through  1/1/24. Classes Resume Tue., Jan 2. 2024
Wonder and Awe. Read Superintendent Dr. Thomas A. Gorman's Dec 20, 2023, Superintendent's Column: Wishing everyone a #WinterHolidaySeason of #WonderAndAwe. Classes resume Tues, Jan 2, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Superintendent Dr. Thomas Gorman
MTHS-Our annual Winter Pep Rally was a great way to end spirit week! We had the opportunity to honor our winter sports teams and watch heated competitions between faculty and staff in basketball and Family Feud. We hope our MTHS community enjoys the winter break! Happy Holidays!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Keneally
Four frame picture that includes: photo of wresting team, track team, hockey team and girls basketball team
4 frame photo that includes pictures of: cheer team, boys basketball team, bowling team and members of swim team
4 frame photo that include: picture of student basketball team, photo of faculty basketball team, SAC officers at Family Feud, student family feud team
4 frame photo that includes pictures of: Officer Bob Vogt in ref outfit, student in stands, tip off of the student v faculty basketball game and picture of students in stands
MTHS - Several of our talented music students helped us all get in the spirit today playing classic holiday music during the passing time between classes.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Keneally
two students playing violin, one student playing viola and one student playing the cello in the hallway during passing time between classes.
Two students playing violin, one student playing viola, one student playing cello in the hallway during the passing time between classes
electric guitar player, soprano saxophone player, bass clarinet player, alto saxophone player and a student playing the sleigh bells during passing time between classes.
CONGRATULATIONS! At #MontvilleBOE meeting 12/19 the Montville Twp. VFW Post #5481 presented awards to outstanding essay writers from #Lazar & #MTHS! (Front Row): PATRIOT’S PEN- Awards went to 8th grade students: Alessandra DeCaldas, 1st place; Jordyn Bilenski, 2nd place; Katherine Huang, 3rd place. VOICE OF DEMOCRACY: Ananya Bhat, 1st place (sr.); Charvi Kanna, 3rd place (soph.); Anisha Mulinti, 2nd place (soph.). (Back Row): Dr. David Modrak, President Montville Board of Education; Kenneth Hanzel, VFW post #5481 Commander, Aide-de-Camp to VFW National Commander-in-Chief, Vietnam Veteran; Joe Coll, Montville VFW, Vietnam Veteran; Superintendent Dr. Thomas Gorman.
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
CONGRATULATIONS! At #MontvilleBOE meeting 12/19 the Montville Twp. VFW Post #5481 presented awards to outstanding essay writers from #Lazar & #MTHS!  (Front Row): PATRIOT’S PEN- Awards went to 8th grade students: Alessandra DeCaldas, 1st place; Jordyn Bilenski, 2nd place; Katherine Huang, 3rd place.  VOICE OF DEMOCRACY: Ananya Bhat, 1st place (sr.); Charvi Kanna, 3rd place (soph.); Anisha Mulinti, 2nd place (soph.).  (Back Row): Dr. David Modrak, President Montville Board of Education; Kenneth Hanzel, VFW post #5481 Commander, Aide-de-Camp to VFW National Commander-in-Chief, Vietnam Veteran; Joe Coll, Montville VFW, Vietnam Veteran; Superintendent Dr. Thomas Gorman.
MTHS -Today, Ms. Slezak's Forensic Science class worked on a Fiber Analysis Lab. Groups completed burn tests on animal, plant, artificial, reconstituted and mineral fibers that are of interest to forensic scientists investigating crimes and and noted their observations.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Keneally
Two students completing a burn test on denim in forensic science class
lab group of 5 students in group picture in forensics class.  students are wearing protective eye wear for the lab.
TONIGHT! #MontvilleBOE meeting. Municipal Building. 7:30PM Tue, Dec 19. CONGRATULATIONS! Montville VFW Post 5481 2023-24 Essay Contest Winners: Voice of Democracy - #MTHS 1st Place: Ananya G. Bhat (will read essay) 2nd Place: Anisha R. Mulinti 3rd Place: Charvi R. Kanna Patriot’s Pen - #Lazar 1st Place: Alessandra DeCaldas (will read essay) 2nd Place: Jordyn Bilenski 3rd Place: Katherine Huang AGENDA:
about 1 year ago, Montville Township Public Schools
Montville Township Public Schools banner on dais at Township of Montville Municipal Building.  #MontvilleBOE meeting Tuesday, Dec 19 at 7:30PM
MTHS - AP Studio Art students produced these beautiful charcoal gesture drawings in two minutes! This lesson required students to explore expressive mark making where they used charcoal to sketch the crumbled paper forms hanging from the ceiling.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Keneally
Series of five charcoal gesture drawings of crumbled paper shapes