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BIG FISH – The MTHS Theatre Company’s Spring Musical  - March 6, 7, & 8 at 7PM and March 9 at 2PM
The Montville Township Board of Education recently honored the five second-quarter ShopRite STARS of the 2024-2025 school year. The Montville Township High School seniors have their photos displayed on a plaque in the school and also at the Parsippany Sunrise ShopRite.  Pictured: Laurel Donohue (Community Service), Lena Unice (Athletics), Jules Zea-Joya (Arts), Julia Grzebielucha (Academics), and Scipio Han (Leadership).
Seven Teachers of the Year, along with seven Educational Services Professionals of the Year, and one Princeton University Distinguished Secondary School Teacher, received certificates of recognition. Pictured: Back Row: Christopher Connolly (MTHS Princeton University Distinguished Secondary School Teacher), Melissa Epstein (Woodmont Teacher of the Year), Maria Heyburn (Lazar Teacher of the Year), Lisa Shapiro (MTHS Educational Services Professional), Tracie Hanzl (Hilldale Teacher of the Year), Debra Mancino (Hilldale Educational Services Professional), Maria Millan (William Mason Educational Services Professional), and Olesya Dubreuil (Woodmont Educational Services Professional). Front Row: Randi Bsales (Valley View Educational Services Professional) Sandra Faranda (Valley View Teacher of the Year), Laura Rivera (MTHS Teacher of the Year), Kayse Daniel (Cedar Hill Teacher of the Year), Clarissa Shell (William Mason Teacher of the Year), and Elizabeth Weinberg (Cedar Hill Educational Services Professional).
Principal Doug Sanford stands with National Merit Finalists Curtis Wang and Hong Jin Cao
Members of Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill’s 11th District Office staff met with AP American Government and Politics classes at Montville Township High School. Willy Tolba, Military and Veteran Liaison, Chris Williams, Director of Community Engagement and Grants, and Congressional Fellow Alexandra Cerasiello comprised the panel.
Three Montville Township Public Schools teachers received the local and [Morris} county VFW Citizenship Education Teacher of the Year Awards for elementary, middle, and high school education focused on patriotism and Americanism. VFW Post 5481 Commander Ken Hanzl presented their awards at a BOE meeting. Teachers Maureen Moran (Cedar Hill), Scott Riotto (MTHS), and Nicole Rudge (Lazar) are pictured with Hanzl. Moran has recently been named the VFW NJ Citizenship Education Teacher of the Year. Her state award automatically enters her into the competition for the national VFW Citizenship Education Teacher of the Year Award.
Parent Program. Learn how to protect your kids online. Save the date 2/13/25 at 7PM, THE DIGITAL DILEMMA. iF YOUR CHILD WAS IN DANGER ONLINE COULD YOU PROTECT THEM? wOULD YOU EVEN KNOW?FREE Parent Program: “The Digital Dilemma” at MTHS,  February 13 at 7PM - Renowned Speaker Timothy M. Shoemaker to Provide Parents with Skills to Keep Children Safe in a Social Media World
Montville Township High School Mandarin students perform a Chopstick Dance. On January 14, 2025, Montville Township High School's Mandarin program hosted a vibrant Chinese New Year celebration filled with traditional cultural elements. Robert R. Lazar Middle School grade 6, 7 and 8 students assisted. Nearly 300 members of the community attended the free event, which was organized by the MTHS Chinese Honor Society. The celebration was a combination of performances, activities, and traditional foods that showcased Chinese traditions, art, and culture.
MTHS Incoming Student Orientation
BIG FISH Spring Musical Auditions for the Montville Township High School spring musical. Looking for a YOUNG WILL, aged 10-12 years-old. Auditions in the MTHS Auditorium on January 28 from 4:00-5:30 pm. This audition is open to Montville Township Public Schools students ages 10-12.
Chris Cao and Ms. Annie Huang at the NJCTA Youth Leadership Awards.  Chris received the NJ Youth Leadership Award
Mr. Scott Riotto stands next to Commander Ken Hanzel to receive his Teacher of the Year award
The Montville Township Board of Education recently honored the five first-quarter ShopRite STARS of the 2024-2025 school year. The Montville Township High School seniors have their photos displayed on a plaque in the school and also at the Parsippany Sunrise ShopRite.       Pictured: Adrianna Pressimone (Academics), Alexander Pelov (Athletics), Grace Hricay (Arts), Riya Nadkarni (Leadership), and Miya Megaro (Community Service).
Picture of the MTHS Educators of the Year: Mrs. Lisa Shapiro, Mr. Chris Connolly and Mrs. Laura Rivera
Alice (Grace Hricay) and Humpty Dumpty (Danylo Kondryshyn) in the Montville Township High School Theatre Company’s fall production of "Alice in Wonderland." The show will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 14, 15, and 16 at 7:00 p.m. The production is staged in the MTHS auditorium. MTHS is located at 100 Horseneck Road in Montville, NJ. Tickets are $10 for students and senior citizens, and $12 for adults. Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance at  Alice and Humpty Dumpty are sitting on scenery that looks like the inside of a clock with gears.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Mustangs On The Move: Exploring Your Career Path! Grades 9 & 10. PARENTS/GUARDIANS & STUDENTS invited Thur, Nov. 21 at 7PM. In the #MTHS Media Center! Presented by School Counseling & NJ4S. Complete INFO: #MustangPride. On Thursday, November 21, 2024, the Montville Township Public Schools [MTPS] Counseling Department will present an important career exploration program for Parents/Guardians and Montville Township High School [MTHS] Students in Grades 9 and 10. MUSTANGS ON THE MOVE: EXPLORING YOUR CAREER PATH will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the MTHS Media Center.  Presenters Meghan Murphy and Katie Armstrong, from NJ Statewide Student Support Services [NJ4S] will join the members of the MTHS Counseling Department to guide students and families through best practices in the career exploration process. Self-awareness, self- identity, and tools for exploring possible career paths will be emphasized.  Parents/Guardians and students who have questions about the program should contact the MTPS School Counseling Department at 973-331-7100, ext. 2647.  MUSTANGS ON THE MOVE: EXPLORING YOUR CAREER PATH will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 21, in the MTHS Media Center. Parents/Guardians must accompany their students. The event is for MTHS students in grades 9 and 10. The MTHS Media Center is located at 100 Horseneck Road in Montville, New Jersey.
Montville Twp. BOE Member Karen Cortellino with the CHAMPION AWARD for Leadership - Presented  to her by the NJSBA. The New Jersey School Boards Association presented Montville Township Board of Education Member, Dr. Karen Cortellino, with the prestigious NJSBA Champion Award during Workshop 2024 in Atlantic City. NJSBA Champion Awards are presented to individuals who exemplify outstanding dedication and effort in areas such as teamwork, leadership, innovation and other qualities that help the NJSBA advance its mission to promote the achievement of all students.
In addition to Dr. Arthur R. Dermer (left), the first MTHS principal, and Superintendent Nicholas C. De Vita (center), many dignitaries attended the Montville Township High School Groundbreaking ceremony on October 8, 1968. Fred Bauermann (2nd from right) was the President of the Montville Township Board of Education. In this photo the blueprint to the MTHS building is being held by those individuals who were instrumental in bringing the project to fruition.