#MTHS Social Studies Teacher Scott Riotto Named "Teacher of Year" by Montville Twp. VFW Post 5481! Award recognizes Riotto's 30-year contribution to citizenship education at MTHS. Commander Ken Hazel presented award.
MORE: https://www.montville.net/o/high-school/article/1905140
MTHS - The Elf on the Shelf was waiting at the late table this morning!
MTHS - Our very own Elf on the Shelf, Mr. Nadzak, has volunteered to spread some holiday magic through the halls of MTHS. Every school day in December, "Ken-dy Cane" will be hiding somewhere in the building, keeping an eye on all the holiday cheer.
A special thank you to Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Heitmann and Ms. Keegan for coordinating this and - of course - to Mr. Nadzak for being such a good sport!
Happy Thanksgiving! The #MTHS faculty kicked off the holiday with their "Disguise a Turkey" creations! Happy Turkey Day! Enjoy family, friends & leftovers!. Classes resume Monday, December 2.
MTHS - This week, the ACCES students helped students in Mr. Connolly's Sports Marketing class with a project titled College Game Day Road Trip. The ACCES students determined the mileage and cost of gas for the trip and helped with find hotel/housing. The students collaborated on the project and presentation and did a great job!
MTHS - Over 50 members of the Earth Club, and their advisor, Mr. Rolfe, are on their way to Woodmont Elementary School this morning to teach students about important issues related to our environment.
MTHS - The MTHS faculty is getting into the Thanksgiving spirit with their "Disguise a Turkey" creations!
HEADLINE NEWS! See #MontvilleTAP: #MontvilleBOE Member Charlie Grau Honored Among #MTHS ShopRite Stars! Congrats to: Adrianna Pressimone, Alexander Pelov, Grace Hricay, Miya Megaro & Riya Nadkarni! See: https://www.montville.net/mthsshopritestars
MTHS - It was another successful Key Club Food Drive! This year, the total number of goods donated was 1854. We exceeded last year's number by nearly 600 items. We supplied for 27 families! 864 of the those total items will be going directly to the food pantry to stock their shelves for the holiday season. Thank you for making Key Club's annual food drive so successful!
We cannot thank you enough or do it without your support.
MTHS - Quick reminder! The MTHS Key Club Food Drive ends tomorrow. Be sure to bring you items to homeroom for collection. Thank you to the students in Key Club, and the faculty advisors, for organizing this annual drive to benefit the Montville community.
MTHS - Mrs. Pierce brought her class to the media center today to check out independent reading books for second marking period!
ALL PARENTS/GUARDIANS! Please join us TONIGHT -- Wed, Nov 20 at 7PM. David D’Amico, Chief Investigator for Middlesex County Dept. of Corrections & Youth Services will provide important insight into: BIAS, PREJUDICE & STEREOTYPES -- HOW DO THEY AFFECT US? In the #MTHS Auditorium
MTHS - Incredible art pieces on display in the MTHS media center courtesy of the students in Ms. Mezini's visual arts class.
CORRECTION 7:30 PM #MontvilleBOE Meeting TONIGHT -- 11/19 -- at 7:30PM in the Montville Municipal Building. #Hilldale National Blue Ribbon School, VFW awards: Essays #MTHS & #Lazar, & Teacher of the Year, and MTHS ShopRite STARS. See agenda: https://www.montville.net/boeagenda
MTHS - Students work cooperatively in the media center to analyze political cartoons from the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.
Meet the Characters! ALICE IN WONDERLAND! Tonight & Tomorrow, Nov 15 & 16 at 7PM At #MTHS. #FunFamilyEvent! ONLY 2 performances left! TKTS $10 seniors & students, and $12 adults. Tkts on sale at the door OR http://mthsnj.booktix.net/
MTHS - The start of a new marking period often means the start of a new unit of study. Students in anatomy started their skeletal system unit and worked as a team to piece together the puzzle of bones to make a complete human skeleton.
NEW! MTPS District Newsletter: SUPER UPDATE. Check out 11/15/24 edition: Back-to-School Overview - Survey Results. This newsletter is the first of 3 to focus information & improvements that form the foundation of district initiatives. Read SUPER UPDATE now: https://5il.co/315dg
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Mustangs On The Move: Exploring Your Career Path! Grades 9 & 10. PARENTS/GUARDIANS & STUDENTS invited Thur, Nov. 21 at 7PM. #MTHS Media Center! #EducateInspireEmpower! MTHS School Counseling & NJ4S. See:
OPENING NIGHT! Tonight, Thurs., Nov. 14 at 7PM: ALICE IN WONDERLAND at #MTHS. Perfect for the entire family! MEET THE CHARACTERS after the show! TKTS $10 and $12. On sale at the door OR http://mthsnj.booktix.net/