MTHS - Students in Mr. Conroy's Woods and Carpentry class lend a helping hand to fix the Key Club display box. As a reminder, the Key Club Thanksgiving Food Drive starts next week! You can donate items to the bins located in your homerooms.
MTHS - Yesterday a number of students participated in the Mathematical Association of America's American Mathematics Competition (AMC.) Thank you to Mrs. Gizas, Mrs. Rivera and Mrs. Kalavrezos for coordinating this effort!
IN THE NEWS! “Alice in Wonderland” -A Great Night of Theater for the Whole Family! Nov 14-16 at #MTHS! See #MontvilleTAP:
MTHS -The MTHS community is proud to announce their Teachers of the Year: Mr. Chris Connolly (Princeton University Distinguished Secondary School Teaching Award), Mrs. Laura Rivera (MTHS Teacher of the Year), and Mrs. Lisa Shapiro (MTHS Education Services Professional of the Year).
These three educators received tremendous accolades from their peers for the work they do at MTHS. We a lucky to have them as teachers and colleagues and we offer our heartfelt congratulations on this recognition.
To read more, visit or click the link in our bio!
Montville VFW Post 5481 & Montville Twp. Veteran's Day: #Lazar Social Studies teacher Rick Crescente participated. Many Lazar teachers & students attended. #MTHS student Natalia Fragomeni sang the National Anthem. SEE #MontvilleTAP:
SEE Alice in Wonderland at #MTHS! Nov 14, 15 & 16 at 7PM. The MTHS Theatre Company's FALL PLAY. Tickets $10: Students/Seniors & $12: Adults. #FamilyFun! To LEARN MORE & ORDER TKTS NOW SEE:
3 Performances ONLY!
#MTHS Share the Keys! Students & Parents/Guardians grades 9-12. Mon, 11/18 at 7PM. MTHS Auditorium. It is mandatory to attend one Share The Keys event to be eligible for on-campus parking during SR year. See:
Community Connections -a webpage providing MTPS Community w/LINKS of interest. Currently: MTHS Theatre Company's "Alice in Wonderland" (11/14, 15 &16), 11/21 Career Night for Parents/Guardians & Students (grades9 & 10), & MORE:
MTHS - After a long weekend, students in Mrs. Pflug's Crafts class work on their sewing projects. The students are learning how to create patterns and use the sewing machines to create truly unique pieces!
Veteran's Day! Montville VFW Post 5481 Ceremony TODAY. 11/11 at 11AM at the Community Park (Rain: inside Youth Center). Guest Speaker LTC Craig A. Bonham II. In person OR VIRTUAL. See VFW 5481 website:
MTHS - In Mrs. Einstein's class, freshman Honors Biology students observe their cheek cells under the microscope
3 Performances ONLY! SEE Alice in Wonderland at #MTHS! Nov 14, 15 & 16 at 7PM. The MTHS Theatre Company's FALL PLAY. Tickets $10: Students/Seniors & $12: Adults. #FamilyFun! ORDER TKTS NOW:
IN THE NEWS! Superintendent's Column. Read Dr. Thomas Gorman's most recent article: STRATEGIC PLANNING... Providing the framework for implementation & innovation. See #MontvilleTAP:
MTHS - Students in Ms. Shalongo's English 11 class read Poe's classic horror short story "The Cask of Amontillado."
MTHS - A beautiful sunrise this morning to start our week at Montville Township High School.
#ArtInTheHalls! Denim Portraits! Turning photos of the famous into mosaics of material! In the #MTHS Rotunda! From the CRAFTS 2 Artists! Amazing! #EducateInspireEmpower!
Schools CLOSED TODAY -- Friday, November 1, 2024 -- in observance of Diwali. #EnjoyFamilyandFriends
Happy Diwali! Wishing you peace, prosperity, happiness, health and joy. Schools CLOSED Friday, November 1, 2024
Happy Halloween! The DOCTORS are in!!! The district's Assistants to the Superintendents, June Carle & Athena Demetropoulos came to work today as DRs. #EducateInspireEmpower!
Happy Halloween! The #MTPS Business Office dressed as the MTPS Facilities Crew today! Business Admin. Katine Slunt dressed as Facilities Supervisor Steve Toth. Toth plans to retire in 2025! #Gratitude for both the Business & Facilities Teams! #EducateInspireEmpower